1: something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment: as a: officially coined or stamped metal currency 1:公认的、作为交换媒介或价值衡量物的物品,或作为支付方式的物品:例如a:官方铸造的金属货币
I say this as a believer in the potential of cryptographic currencies ( whether or not Bitcoin survives) to become cheaper and more efficient means of payment and exchange than banks and card companies provide. 我这么说,是因为我相信密码学货币(不论比特币存活与否)的潜力&比起银行和信用卡公司,它们能成为成本更低、更高效的支付和交换手段。
Since the security requirement dictates that the means of payment ( such as credit card or bank check) must be hidden from unauthorized viewers, encrypting the Payment element pays off. 由于安全性要求规定必须对未授权的查看者保密支付方式(诸如信用卡或银行支票),对Payment元素加密就做到了这一点。
S3 isn't free, so when you create your account you must provide Amazon with a means of payment ( such as a credit card number). S3不是免费的,因此在创建帐户时您必须向Amazon提供一种支付手段(比如信用卡号码)。
This proves far too unwieldy for a universal means of payment. 对于一种通用支付手段来说,事实证明这种处理方式太过笨拙。
Third party payment, as a kind of the biggest means of payment in present e-payment, its development had faced many opportunities and adjustment. 第三方支付作为目前电子支付所占比例最大的一种支付手段,它的发展还面临着许多的机遇和调整。
Because of the heated competition in international market, more and more people now regard means of payment as an important tool to sharpen their competitive edge. 当前国际市场竞争愈演愈烈,越来越多的人将付款方式视为重要的竞争手段。
Credit card, as an advanced tool and means of payment, has been a very important position in the national economy. 信用卡作为一种先进的消费信贷工具和支付结算手段,在国民经济中已经具有十分重要的地位。
New trade corridors may soon require new means of payment. 新的贸易走廊可能要求尽快采用新的支付方式。
For instance network infrastructure, means of payment, safety certification, such a great deal of questions as electronic material flow provide and deliver. 如网络基础设施、支付手段、安全认证、电子物流配送等诸多问题。
What's the distinction between markets for exchanges of means of payment ( money) and markets for short-term and long-term credit? 外汇市场和短期、长期信贷市场的区别是什么?
Whatever the means of payment used, payment shall not be deemed to have been effected before the Supplier's account has been fully and irrevocably credited. 无论采用何种支付方式,货款在完全不可撤销进入卖方帐户之前,不能视做支付已完成。
Answer the questions of the car rental representative concerning the duration of your rental; insurance; the distance you intend to drive; the price of the rental; and the means of payment. 回答租车代表处提问的有关租期的问题、计划行程、保险、租车价格和付款方式。
Accordingly, we should make clear the scope of government public services, strengthen monitoring mechanism, regulate the transfer means of payment and accelerate the process of urbanization. 为此,要明确政府公共服务范围、加强监管机制、规范支付转移手段、加速城市化进程。
If the foreign investor uses the shares over which it has the right to disposition or the renminbi assets it lawfully owns as the means of payment, it shall obtain the approval of the Department of foreign exchange control. 外国投资者以其拥有处置权的股票或其合法拥有的人民币资产作为支付手段的,须经外汇管理部门核准。
This paper discusses the differences of bankruptcy and mergers between Chinese and foreign enterprises on the basis of law, limits of procedure, effect, intention, history and means of payment. 本文分别从法律依据、产界限、产程序和兼并动机、并历史、付方式和效用等方面,对比分析中外企业破产兼并的不同。
Money is any generally accepted means of payment for the delivery of goods and services or the settlement of debt. 货币是指任何被广泛接受用作购买商品及劳务,或清偿债务的手段。
Internet currency is one of the electronic quasi-currency means of payment providing by Internet service provider to solve the small amount payment problem in Internet world. 摘要网络货币是网络服务商为解决网上小额支付而推出的一种具有准货币性质的电子支付工具。
Internet currency is a new means of payment which has emerged together with internet transaction. 网络货币是伴随网上交易而产生的一种全新的支付手段。
Yip Lau-chuen of Dangerous Drug Investigation Division, Hong Kong Police Department pointed out that the majority of several cases discovered last year employed credit cards as the means of payment. 香港警务处毒品调查科总警司叶流全指出,去年发现的数宗案件主要运用信用卡在网上订购。
We accept money as a means of payment, as a unit of account and, most importantly in this context, as a store of value. 我们接受货币作为支付手段,作为价值尺度,以及在当前背景下最重要的是,作为价值储藏手段。
One of the various causes for the increase of medical costs is that the current means of payment for medical insurance costs are stimulating doctors to provide over-service. 随着我国新型农村合作医疗的迅速推广,如何从供方角度控制医疗费用、提高服务质量成为有待研究的重要内容,而支付方式则是其中一个重要的内容。
The classic definition is to provide money – the ultimate store of value and means of payment – to sound banks threatened by a run. 传统的定义是向受到挤兑威胁的健康银行提供货币&最终的价值储藏和支付手段。
Section 1.1 analyzes the essence and evolving laws of means of payment. 1.1节对支付工具的本质和演变规律进行了分析。
Finally introduce the impact on type and means of payment which the company merges of the tax revenue. 最后介绍税收对公司并购模式和支付方式的影响。
In planning financial affairs, these enterprises must attach importance to the choice to the means of payment. 在并购财务规划中,必须重视对支付方式的选择。
The article discusses and comparatively analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of five basic means of payment. 本文讨论了五种基本支付方式的优缺点并对其进行比较分析;介绍了国外支付方式改革的先进经验,简述我国支付方式现状。
The second part discussed several kinds of commonly used electronic means of payment, such as the electronic cash, the electronic cheque, and the bank card. 第二部分讨论了几种常见的电子支付手段,典型的有电子现金、电子支票和银行卡;
Mobile payments are currently being developed in a means of payment. 手机支付是目前正在发展完善中的一种支付手段。
All these points are combined into a very convenient means of payment. 所有这些点都会结合在一起,变成很方便的支付手段。